Tips For Planning Out Your Website

  Before you begin building your website, it is important that you spend a little time planning and preparing so that you will know exactly what you want. While there will always be things that you change and tweak as you are building your site, if you have some of these foundations decided beforehand, it will make everything SO much easier and faster for you. The first thing that I ask my students when we’re talking about building a website is “What is your website’s purpose?”. Is it to generate leads? To build brand awareness? To get more customers to your “brick and mortar” business? To sell products on your website? To build brand awareness? A combination of all of these? There may be other things that you can think of as your main purpose for building a website, but these help give you and idea of some possible answers. […]

Marketing Tips For The “Non-Techie” 40+ Crowd (Myself included)

It may never be a cake walk for us who are 40+ to really feel comfortable with all this online marketing for our businesses because we did not grow up with an iPad and cell phone in our hands or watching YouTube and putting every second of our lives on Social Media. But the fact is that’s where our customers are… and that’s how they communicate and how they digest their information. YouTube is what TV once was to us. And social media, blogs and online content is what newspapers, magazines and print mail once were to our generations. The yellow pages has long been replaced by Google, and referrals from friends about products and services that you used to get at church, family gatherings and nights out with the girls have been replaced by all the social networking, and now are on steroids!! EVERY single day we are privy […]

Here’s How To Get Ahead Of Your Competition! The Surprising Low-Cost Strategy That YOU Should Be Doing For Your Business!

If I’ve learned one thing with working with entrepreneurs and small business owners, it’s that the internet is moving so quickly that it makes ALL of our heads spin!  Staying ahead of your competition can be a daunting task! I had something come through my email today that made me sit up and take notice.  One of the brick and mortar stores in my area is about to begin implementing a BRILLIANT online marketing strategy that flat out works!  The surprising thing is that I had previously thought of this store as the “underdog” in it’s niche. Selling craft supplies is the specialty of A.C. Moore,  and this is the ad that I received today…  

4 Things You Should Be Doing To Get More Customers To Your Website

“If I build it they will come, won’t they?” This has been one of the biggest misconceptions among small business owners in my time of teaching and working with them. “I have a website, but I’m not getting traffic to it. What’s wrong?”, I have heard over and over. Think of this analogy… You can build your dream business in the middle of the Sahara Desert, with all the bells and whistles… stocked full of ALL of your best company products… ready to take on a boatload of business and make a flood of sales. But if no one can find you, it won’t do any good. In the classes I teach, I tell the business owners to think of their websites as if they were built in the middle of  “nowhere”. In the middle of the “Sahara Desert” of the internet. You can hire a web designer to create […]